Retainer Agreement

Please review the retainer agreement below. All questions and concerns may be directed to Kim Edward to seek clarification:

I _____________ hereby retain the services of Kim Edward, Barrister and her agent to act as my legal counsel with respect to the defence of the following matter:


I hereby authorize Kim Edward or such agents as she may authorize to act on my behalf to take such actions and conduct such proceedings on my behalf as may be reasonably considered necessary.

I acknowledge and agree that the fees of Kim Edward shall be paid at the following rate and on the following schedule:

  • Hourly rate for preparation: 400.00
  • Daily rate for Court: $4000.00

Estimated fees for this case: Court

Estimated preparation:

  • Legal Aid if qualified and accepted by Kim Edward
  • All fees are to be prorated and paid monthly and paid in full 60 days before a hearing.

I acknowledge that the aforementioned amount does not include disbursements or HST. I also acknowledge that the aforementioned amount is an estimate and that a refresher of the retainer maybe required should the proceedings become more complex.

I acknowledge that Kim Edward will not be on Record as my Counsel until such time as I have financially retained her services. I acknowledge that failure to do so 60 days prior to the scheduled hearing, I consent to the removal of Kim Edward as Counsel of Record.

Dated this ____________________ day of ______________ 202_, at Hamilton, Ontario

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